Our brand “Gusto Sano – the Italian for Healthy Taste “ reflects our mission since it describes what we propose to our customers: healthy Italian products.
Our company works hard to fulfil customer’s needs and to inform them about the benefits of a healthy diet and the importance of making the best eating choices.
Our long-term goal is to transform our brand “Gusto Sano – the Italian for Healthy Taste “ into a watchword within the food industry.
To reach this important goal, our day-by-day activity is driven by the Quality. For us, Quality comes before anything. This is evident, as seen beow:
- We chose only certified manufacturers who ensure us high quality raw materials and the most advanced food technologies.
- Our production partners, our certifiers and our staff control the entire food chain from the supply of raw materials to the final product, before being launched into the market, so that we can guarantee high quality products and standards to our clients.
We hereby present both our certifications and our suppliers’ certifications that confirms the quality of our products and processes and our care for our environment.
We are certified organic, this is not only a logo, this certification means that:
- the production respects nature;
- the products are produced in a sustainable way;
- the operators of organic production are controlled once per year by control bodies or control authorities to ensure that they respect all organic rules and all health and consumer protection rules. Our company is controlled by ICEA (Italian control body authorized by MIPAAF – IT BIO 006);
- genetically modified organisms are not allowed in organic agriculture;
- for food, there are strict limitations on the use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, antibiotics;
- organic agriculture strictly limits the use of food additives and processing aids and other inputs;
- most of the inputs for farm production come from the farm itself using local resources and local knowledge;
- each and every time you buy an organic product from your supermarket you can ensure they were produced according to strict rules aimed at respecting the environment and animal welfare.
UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 responding to the IFS and BRC standards. These two standards are GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) recognized standards for auditing food manufacturers. In fact, both standards guarantee the standardization of quality, safety and quality of processes and products, and ensure that manufacturers fulfil their legal obligations and provide protection for the end consumer.
UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 is an international volunteer certification that foresees specific requirements for the environmental management system. The company that undertakes this certification has the commitment to minimize the environmental impact of processes, products and services. The ISO 14001 trademark guarantee the reliability of the environmental management system applied in the company.
British Retail Consortium: The BRC Global Standard for Food Safety ensures supplier compliance and secure retailers’ ability to guarantee the quality and safety of the food products they sell. In fact, this standard helps any business (retailers and processors) to establish good manufacturing practices so that they can produce safe, legal products that meet the quality levels expected by their customers.